Monday, February 15, 2010

Design = NYC Fashion Week

What do fashion in clothing, faucets/fittings and kitchen design have in common? The design and marketing teams behind , Delta's high end brand, having aligned itself with Jason Wu, designer of Michelle Obama's inaugural gown (one of the most watched fashion designers in recent years) enjoy a relationship that seems to fit like a glove piece of couture. 

I had the opportunity to learn about and examine Brizo's existing line of products a few days ago. Brizo invited a small group of us kitchen/bath bloggers (listed on my colleague Ann Porter's blog) to New York City to see their collection of existing products and to take a sneak peek at new products to be introduced this year. Part of this two day event included attendance at Jason Wu's Fall 2010 collection, part of New York Fashion Week (insert 90 exclamation points here!)

I'll just say this before I get back to the subject at hand. To attend this Jason Wu show was an incredible privilege. It is an experience, simply, like no other I have had, and living near the city, I've attended my share of events in many fabulous venues, sometimes with celebrities in attendance. But, truth be told, I felt downright patriotic (which completely surprised me) as I think back. I feel I was witness to the best in American design and the best in creative production techniques (quite frankly) which, working together (pink carpeting, pink lighting, black flowing curtains, fragrance in the air, amazing music, incredible clothing and let's not forget those super models with 7" heels) produced an atmosphere of awesome creativity as it showcased Jason Wu's very personal design expression. The show manipulated nearly every sense to the max. The creativity, the risks taken, the personal expression, are all qualities that make this country great...I felt a symbiotic convergence of these odd bedfellows (fashion and patriotism) and, thus, felt privileged to be in attendance. 

Back to reality...During these 2 days, I had a sneak peek at new products to be introduced by Brizo this year. My lips are sealed, but, some of those pieces I saw were absolutely stunning! Did I like all of Jason Wu's pieces? No. Likewise, not everything in Brizo's fashion forward collection is for me. That said, I WAS grateful to find myself in another privileged position to be encouraged to offer my comments on their products, which the creative team from Brizo, welcomed.

Jason Wu, for some strange reason, did not ask me what I thought of his collection, although I did ask him a question later in the day when he caught up with us design bloggers at the Brizo cocktail reception. I asked him about his specific vision when he designs a garment and how/if it evolves from that original vision. Answer: The garments are fit precisely to each model within the course of a few hours, so the vision is in "collaboration" with the model's body...much like Brizo's designers need to answer to the faucet engineers and my kitchen designs need to relate to the architecture of the home. Interesting how the creative process connects these disparate design disciplines.

The thread that links fashion, faucet, and kitchen design, begins with creative expression. Creative expression is often influenced by others (in this case, Wu was influenced by Irving Penn). Brizo's designers are inspired by architectural elements, nature, fashion. They wait for a design element to speak to them and the creative process begins. They are open to inspiration. I understand that philosophy; I adhere to it as well in my own work, and I'm thrilled that designers working for a major, mainstream, American corporation are given that freedom of expression, much like the way Wu finds his creative spark. That was enlightening and probably the single most important piece of information that I am coming away with, a sort of satisfaction that ideas are the thing for Brizo. I know that is so because I met and talked to the designers.

baked chicken recipes

Like in kitchen, faucet, and clothing design, function and design blend, collide, and play, ultimately forming the perfect union for that piece of couture, faucet, and for the kitchen of one's dreams. I've been inspired. I'm impressed that Brizo has aligned itself with a fashion designer. THAT is inspiring. In comparison, here was a quick synopsis of a post I did on Fashion Week one year ago, a description of the feeling at that time. We're clearly moving forward. Thank you Brizo for brilliantly linking together American fashion...and fashion forward faucets and fittings. It was an eye opener and a meaningful experience.

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